Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Subtitle: Response to allegations of non-accreditation of Trinity International University of Ambassadors (TIUA) and legitimacy of degree conferred on Dr. Sonnie Badu
Trinity International University of Ambassadors (TIUA) is a private corporation in the State of Georgia and is legally authorized by the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GNPEC) as a postsecondary educational institution with a religious exemption authority to offer degree programs that are designed solely for religious education.
TIUA is an accredited member of the World-Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Education Institutions, and the National Association of Private Theological Institutions (NAPTI). TIUA are members of the National Bible College Association (NBCA), The Adult Higher Education Alliance (AHEA), and the Academic Council for Educational Accountability (ACEA).
TIUA has elected Biblical Accrediting Agencies due to our desire to remain free from the control of any Federal, State, or private agency controlled by the same, which will not allow complete Religious Freedom in our curriculum and student body. TIUA desires to remain separate and thereby maintain our religious prerogatives and freedom to compose courses and design degree programs that are in accordance with our Biblical convictions and beliefs.
In the United States, the U.S. Department of Education states that accreditation itself is a voluntary process. There is no mandate by federal law for a school, college, or university to be accredited, to be recognized. It is a standard but not a rule. Each accreditor has its own unique standards and, thus there is no national consistency in institutional accreditation. Accreditation in the United States is awarded by non-US governmental agencies. Institutions of higher education are permitted to operate with considerable independence and autonomy. Consequently, American educational institutions can vary widely in the character and quality of their programs. You can access the website of the U.S. Department of Education by clicking here.
TIUA makes no claims, implied or otherwise, that our educational programs, courses, or curricula are the same as offered by secular state colleges and universities. TIUA is not affiliated with the U.S. Department of Education. Credits and Degrees earned at TIUA are for those in Christian service.
Therefore, any degree that has been earned by our students, is in alignment with the State of Georgia's religious exemption authority to receive degrees from associates to doctoral degrees. Our institution prides itself in the quality of education tailored for each of our students i.e. including their extensive body of work in ministry. Therefore, no student cannot obtain any major degree including a Ph.D. in four months. TIUA did not issue any earned degrees to a student in a four-month period. Every earned degree acquired, must be obtained through hard work and with the time prescribed by the University.
To answer further inquiries, we direct your attention to our accreditation page on the school’s website or you may contact our legal department at the following: